L’arte dell’orologeria Rolex
At the heart of Rolex philosophy and activities lies a long-term vision. The concept of sustainability has always underpinned the brand’s development: offering timeless and durable watches that are built to last, while committing to future generations, through multiple partnerships, initiatives and actions.
This approach reflects the “Perpetual” philosophy that has driven the company since its creation. One that assembles the skills of many and requires arduous work, day after day, year after year. A demanding, rigorous endeavour. Rolex’s unrelenting quest for excellence.
The founding vision of Hans Wilsdorf
Dal 1905, Rolex porta avanti la visione del suo fondatore, Hans Wilsdorf, che vide nell’orologio da polso un oggetto del futuro emblematico dell’era moderna. Hans Wilsdorf rivoluzionò l’universo orologiero superando ben tre grandi sfide: produrre movimenti piccoli ma estremamente precisi, sviluppare una cassa impermeabile e robusta per proteggere il movimento da fattori esterni e infine dotare l’orologio di un sistema di carica automatica che garantisse comfort e facilità d’uso nel quotidiano.